
Enchanté(e), I'm Elle!

Are you ready to become the most stylish version of yourself and live life with effortlessness?

I know I am, because I believe in the power of dressing well and living with style. To me it has the power to elevate anything that is mundane in life, and most importantly, it has the power to bring out the best in us and make our personalities shine.

In fact, I'm living proof of this. Dressing well helps me every day to come out of my shell and face the world with a healthy amount of self-confidence. But of course I still have so much to learn. I consider this a wonderful lifelong path, where I modify my outfits, surroundings and habits to the direction of effortless elegance. In other words, having style and elegance is not a goal that can be achieved, it is about appreciating the beautiful and stylish things during the process; in the present moment.

"Elegance is not only what you’re wearing. It’s the way you choose what to wear, it’s the way you think, it’s the way you move, it’s the way you have art in your house, it’s the way you read. It’s so many things all mixed."
- Carolina Herrera

As I take note of the style lessons I'm learning, I have the joy of sharing highlights of them each week on this newsletter and in my Youtube videos. There is just so much to be inspired about – and I feel that I've discovered so many new angles to this topic now that I live in Paris.

If this sounds up your street, I'd be thrilled to be learning beside you and progressing towards a life full of joy and elegance!🥳 Joining the ride is almost as effortless as Fred Astaire's tap dancing: just write your name and email address and tap the subscribe button. By signing up you'll also make sure to be in the loop and you won't miss any updates on my future projects.😏

I'm so happy to meet likeminded people like you!

And I'd love to hear more from you, so if you have a question in mind right now, don't hesitate to hit me an email at ellepalmu@gmail.com. I'd be happy to help if I can.❣️

Other than that, make sure to follow me on other platforms as well: