Paris awaits!✈️

The moment has finally come: I'll begin my new life in Paris tomorrow!🤩

We packed my apartment this week with my parents, and today I left the apartment for good. Of course I got slightly nostalgic about my apartment when I left from there for the last time, but then again I couldn't be more ready to start this next period of my life.🙊 In general, I've been surprised how little I've been nervous about the move itself. Only when I've bid farewell to my closest ones, I've felt a bit anxious, but otherwise I'm just so excited all the time!

It's also been touching to experience the love and support of everyone this week. So many people seem to be genuinely happy for me and want to live this experience with me. I thought beforehand that I could leave quietly from Helsinki and no one would notice that I'm gone, but surprisingly often people have said that they'll miss me, so it's nice to know I've made some sort of impact to the people I'm involved with.😆🙈 Obviously, I'll miss many people from Finland as well, but my trip lasts only a few months after all, so I think we'll survive!😜

There is only one thing left for me to say: thank you and goodbye Helsinki, and Paris, here I come!

Bisous, have an elegant week!

Elle xx

❣️Recent delights

  • Today I got into a Parisian mood by listening to Dean Martin's fun French Style album. I suggest you do that too!😉